Can you play the long game?

This week I ran some training in my private Facebook group on pursuing the long game.

If you are working to build a business online and build your wealth, riches will NOT come overnight.

It’s a long game.


The big problem with much of the “make money online” opportunities is the “promise” of making money fast.

You know the ads – Make X amount in 24 hours, Make Y amount in 30 days, Make hundreds in 30 minutes of work a day.

Now for somebody who already has a lot of experience in the internet marketing game, maybe one out of five of this products or programs can be used to bring in some money. But many of the products fail to deliver – leaving a bad taste in the mouth.
The internet marketing space can seem like the Wild West at times.


What is much more helpful is you are coming online to build a business is to accept that this is a long game.

And this is especially true if you only have a small budget.
This can prove a real hang-up. I know because I have been there, a decade ago when I first got going.

But there is a way forward if you have the discipline to stick at it.


There are no guarantees but the person who accepts this will take time and puts in the effort has more chance of winning.

As I think you are aware, this long game involves the following:

1. Building skills

2. Putting out content

3. Having good products to sell – as an affiliate or selling your own

4. Taking action every day

This is a business and needs to be treated as a business – not a hobby – even if all you are looking for is a bit of money on the side or the pursuit of a “side hustle”.

There is not simple short-cut and success has as much to do with gaining an “entrepreneur” mindset as it does putting the work in.


Now if you have been following my emails, blog posts and videos then you will know that the real icing on the cake is working to build an asset base.

In fact rather than icing, this can be your bedrock.

What I am talking about is a plan to acquire assets – ideally week by week, month by month – to build your wealth.

This is the plan I am pursuing and as I “walk the talk” the plan is coming together nicely.

I am focused on precious metals and cryptocurrency – particularly gold-backed cryptocurrency from a company with an eight-year track record of reliable performance. It is possible to spend as little as $50 per month to build.

This will provide asset wealth, income, and passive income.

(ONLY FOR THE SERIOUS – You can check it out HERE)


Now, I want to be straight with you. As I said, it is important to treat this as a long game – but if you are going to focus on building a business online AND building an asset base then you will need to be disciplined and it will be a challenge.

I work with people in my training groups who find it tough to combine the expense of building a business online with the expense of buying assets.

If, say, you only have two or three hundred dollars to spend per month starting out, how can you build?

This is where discipline and a long-term game plan come in.
Put a small amount into your online business (and put out free content).

Put a small amount into buying assets.

Think long term.

Even if this only amounted to spending two to three hundred a month, this could lead to some success with the online business and the building of an asset base.


This needs a strong attitude of not letting excuses derail the grand plan.

Seriously – I see excuses being used by people not to pursue this.
They say they are keen, they say they want in, but they do not commit.

This is important. There is a fair bit involved with this, so it might be best if I shot a video on this and gave you a link in an upcoming email. Stay tuned for that.


All this is close to my heart as I see friends and colleagues struggling financially and with their businesses, careers and jobs. So to provide guidance on how to build – as I am doing – is part of my mission.

And if there is a message here it is – stick at it and take action every day or at least every week and gradually build.

Success comes to those who have the grit and determination to succeed.

DISCLAIMER – I am not a financial advisor. Please do your own due diligence.