The Internet Marketer’s Survival Guide to the Next Recession

The next recession is coming. Batten down the hatches. Stock up on tinned food and water. Get solar panels for power. Stock up on cartridges for your shotgun. And download a 1,000 of your most popular movies onto a hard drive, including that Arnold Schwarzenegger classic, End of Days.

Okay, okay, nobody really knows how the next economic crisis is going to pan out. But what we hear from the financial experts like Lynette Zang and Mike Maloney is that it is going to be far worse than the economic crisis of 2008.


Now, if you remember, a lot of people lost their homes, savings and shirts in that crash a decade ago.

Yet most of us have failed to soak up the message that every good boy scout knows – “be prepared”.


Now let’s face it – internet marketers are not always the best at long-term planning and developing a safety net for hard times. The online space resembles the Wild West and the attention span is not long.

Let’s admit it – we bounce from one opportunity to another and long-term planning is not in our vocabulary.

Many of us seem to be out just to make a quick buck.

But more and more of the top internet marketing players recognize they need to shore up their business empires for the rough and tumble of the business world, and shore up their wealth, even if they are not aware of the next economic storm on the horizon.

These top players recognize the wisdom of author Robert Kiyosaki’s approach to income – strive to become an investor where you “pay yourself first” and “make money work for you”.

His Cashflow Quadrant is a classic.

Kiyosaki’s ideas are fairly common knowledge, yet so few people grasp the nettle and take the leap into the Investor Quadrant.

Why is that?

For the man on the street or the woman sitting at the computer, becoming an investor appears to be a bridge too far.

But I am here to tell you there are ways to position yourself in front of the money.


So, if you are running a business online, what should you be doing to “bulletproof” your business and your life?

And why should you make this your top priority?

In simple terms, online marketers need to take a more professional approach to how they build their business online.

I have dubbed this “The New Online Paradigm” – as it really does represent a substantial shift in thinking that seeks to secure one’s business and one’s wealth.

And it is crucially important given a serious economic recession is on the horizon.

For me, this is an idea that has been three years in the making. For some time I had been mulling over how to secure my savings and wealth as an integral part of my online business venture.


Now I will be one of the first to say it – I have not been good with my personal savings and personal finance.

I may have had a successful career in journalism before I began my online business but in savings terms, I had little to show for it.

And you know the problem – we are not taught personal finance in school or college and in many cases our parents did little or nothing to instill in us the principles of saving.

I went to business collage and what did I learn about personal finance? Nothing.

In fact, for many of us, we have a poor money mindset and it seems hard-wired.

Check out all those silly messages rumbling around in your head about money. Think about it. It is almost as you are deliberately sabotaging any chance for you to get rich or build wealth.

I started my experiment in building a business online about a decade ago but, as I say, about three years ago I woke up to the fact that it’s not enough to earn big bucks online – or for me, to just have a dream of that at that time.

What I came to realize is you have to have a system in place in terms of where those big bucks come from and what you do with them.


Without going into too much detail as to what The New Online Paradigm is about, the following is a brief summary of what you should be doing to strengthen your online business and build your wealth ahead of the coming financial storm:

1. Focus on making a profit from your main online business (this is a given)

2. Make sure to have more than one stream of income

3. Develop several sources of residual or “passive” income

4. Invest in assets (pay yourself first, use a percentage of your disposable income)

5. Develop a strong asset-building strategy

6. Budget carefully and do your accounts

There are other aspects of The New Online Paradigm but these are the main points to focus on.


If you are new to this approach, the obvious question you will come up with is – what do I invest in?

This was my problem three years ago when I came up with this approach but did not have an answer to this.

Today, we have a clearer path and easier access to step-by-step acquisition of assets for as little as $100 a month.

For those of us who have limited funds and are not in a position to follow Kiyosaki’s classic approach of buying a property and then renting it out, there are options.

Given the current financial climate and the next economic recession on the horizon, the experts tell us to consider the following:

– Precious metals
– Cryptocurrencies
– Cryptocurrency backed by gold

Is there risk involved? You bet!

Is there risk involved in not hedging your bets with such investment given the financial clouds building? You bet!

Don’t fight shy of exploring the options.


If you are new to my blog or emails then stay tuned for more.

If you want an option where you can start for as little as about $200 to invest in gold or gold-backed cryptocurrency, check out the option HERE. (HINT: Don’t miss out on this – take your time to go through it carefully. Contact me if you want to know more)

If you are building a business online then I would suggest you consider the approach outlined in this blog post and stay tuned for more on how you can practically roll out a “bulletproof” online business and personal wealth.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER – The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes. I am not providing financial advice. Please do your own due diligence and look at the material provided.

You have the opportunity to save gold, buy a cryptocurrency backed by gold, and get paid as an Affiliate if you help other people safeguard their wealth.

If you are interested, join as an Affiliate or a Customer HERE.

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Be wise and safeguard your future and the future of your family.