Why digital skills matter

Why digital skills matter You are ahead of the crowd is you are learning the skills to build a business online. According to a new report out, OECD Skills Outlook 2019,...

Is financial adviser David Bach crazy?

Is financial adviser David Bach crazy? There are a number of reasons why millionaire author and financial adviser David Bach could be thought of as crazy. Firstly, he doesn’t...

Join the Digitally Empowered

Join the Digitally Empowered I am going to go out on a limb here and predict that we are at the dawn of a new era in which millions and millions of people will be positioned...

Can You Play The Long Game?

Can you play the long game? This week I ran some training in my private Facebook group on pursuing the long game. If you are working to build a business online and build your...

Dump drinking Lattes and get rich

Dump drinking Lattes and get rich I’ve got to be kidding, right? Stop drinking coffee and you can get rich? Okay, it’s not simply a matter of stopping your visits to buy a...

Outwit the Terminator

Outwit the Terminator Don’t think the Terminator is just the stuff of Hollywood movie blockbusters. “Real-life” robots are here. And they – together with artificial...

Is millionaire Grant Cardone mad?

Is millionaire Grant Cardone mad? Are you open to receiving money and have you got a millionaire mindset? Surprisingly, many of us sabotage ourselves. That’s right – our...

Writing those damned darned emails

Writing those DAMNED DARNED emails Jeez! It can be tough thinking up what to write on a daily basis to one’s email list. Right? What can we do to pump out an email or...

Risk? You can’t afford NOT to do this

Risk? You can’t afford NOT to do this If you are in the early stages of building a business online, one of the last things on your mind is the idea of saving and...